Relationships from fast-food to Facebook

Managing relationships more effectively No management degree should be offered without requiring a stint of managing a fast-food restaurant. These workplaces present unique management challenges as they combine low wages, high turnover, part time loyalty and portability. Fast food employees are starting their work career, hoping to move on and up to better work at […]

A brave new world – lessons for communications

Today’s lesson for tomorrow’s communicators The world is changing ever faster. I’m old enough to remember waiting for checks to come in the mail. I remember faxing. I remember my first email, and wondering if I’d need a desktop computer for my first job. Yet more change has occurred in the past 5 years than […]

That was then, this is now

While serving as Associate Director of my local United Way I had opportunity to work with a master of change management. In his tenure as Executive Director, he not only strengthened the structure and management of the agency, but he also poured his wisdom into many of our member agencies and he freely shared it […]