These posts are written to encourage thoughtful consideration of the entire range of communication strategy, plans and effectiveness. They’re based on my experiences in actual responses, as well as drills, exercises, tabletops and crisis communication plan reviews.

Feel free to share,  comment or contact me directly.  I value your input!

Making the Best out of the Worst #6

Antique typewriter keyboard

This post is the fifth ‘Lessons Learned’ from my experiences in several Worst Case Drills (WCDs) held in 2024. Each ‘Lessons Learned’ focuses on a specific issue revealed in the WCDs that affects communicators’ ability to communicate in a crisis. I plan on posting one per week for the next several weeks. Feel free to use this information to improve your own planning or response actions. I hope it helps!

Lessons Learned I’ve posted to date

#1: The approval dragon lives!

#2: Don’t do your old job in your new job

#3: Effective initial actions ensure effective initial messaging

#4: Build cooperation in the JIC

#5: Can you send content to stakeholders?

As usual, there’s a mini Improvement Plan for each Lesson Learned, to help you ensure your readiness in an actual incident. Each action should fit into a coffee break, unless it reveals the need for more work – no guarantees then! (But contact me if you need help!)

A quick reminder: Effective drill performance is NOT the end goal of attendance: Effective RESPONSE performance is. Don’t fixate on ‘winning’ a drill; focus on being ready for an actual event. If a review of your drill capabilities reveals shortcomings, don’t wait for the next WCD. Fix it now!  

Adapt, adapt, adapt – adopt, adopt, adopt

Are you ready to use new tools?

Are you ready to join a connected JIC?  In this post we’ll discuss how to use external platforms to reach stakeholders, and internal platforms to manage our response activity.

We all have new external distribution platforms to reach our stakeholders with – this was one topic of Lessons Learned #5, where we discussed use of social media, print and broadcast media and email distributions.

The challenge of social media platforms is that they’re very powerful when you’re maintaining a conversation, but relatively powerless when you want to start one: Many organizations maintain ‘dark pages’ that can be activated quickly in a crisis, but ‘dark’ social media accounts don’t have people to share new information with. How can you rapidly propagate new information in a response?

  • Include links to your ‘dark’ social media pages on your website’s ‘dark pages’, so activating your website’s ‘dark page’ provides immediate exposure.
  • Post content quickly! Once your ‘dark site’ is activated, visitors will click through to see what you’re saying. If you’re not saying something, you may not see them again! A good response plan will include identification of stakeholder concerns and rapid posting of response content that satisfies them.
  • Use your public social media platforms to point to your newly activated response accounts, giving your corps of followers navigate easily to the new pages.
  • Who is going to do this? Do you know how to access and use your organization’s social media accounts? All of them? Are your daily social media mavens a part of your response communication team?

More on this in the Improvement Plan. Now, lets talk about the internal platforms for management of the communication process. We’ll talk about two platforms, though there are other similar resources.

Microsoft Teams

In my experience, use of Microsoft Teams to manage response activity virtually has become pervasive. In some areas, Use of Teams leads exercise designers to incorporate a hybrid model of response management: Some responders work virtually, dependent on Teams for their access to Incident Command. Other responders are in the room.

Teams can be set up to track the approval process, share critical information, track down key response information and to access the most recent updates to key forms.

One basic rule: If Incident Command is physically located together, the PIO has to be physically present as well. Don’t depend on ‘virtual’ at that point. Get in the room!


Jetty brings the leading response communications platform. It is used by government agencies, major energy companies, and corporations from other sectors. A Jetty subscription includes assess to a highly motivated support team who will help your organization manage a highly effective communications response. It’s a true ‘force multiplier’, a powerful tool to maximize your ability to communicate with stakeholders, either as a group through mass distributions and web presence, or as individuals, responding to each of their concerns directly.

Jetty provides powerful communication management tools including templates, key messages, automatic dissemination to other (external) platforms, stakeholder inquiry management and reporting including real time access and oversight, translation tools, an effective approval process and contact management allowing instant delivery of updates to any or all stakeholders.

Another great bonus is Jetty’s support staff. They’re highly experienced and fully versed in ICS, capable of filling any JIC position. In an actual incident they can provide immediate support virtually, or join you in the room to offer guidance and support. 

Both platforms introduce a key challenge:

How do you get good at using a tool that you (in a good day) never use?

The use of Teams and Jetty by response agencies means that you may be left behind in all JIC functions simply because you lack the specific training to be useful on these platforms.

While communicators can learn specific Jetty or Teams functions to support key JIC roles, learning to use these valuable platforms is best done BEFORE the pace and pressure of a response.

News Flash: That’s what WCDs are for!

Both tools are often available in WCDs, so take advantage of the opportunity to learn how to use them for your role in the JIC, and how to adopt their capabilities for better stakeholder communication.

If your organization has adopted Microsoft Teams or Jetty, make sure your Crisis Communication Plan includes login directions and that your communicators receive regular training updates on these tools.

As an example of Agency adoption, the Washington State Department of Ecology provides access to the NWACP JIC Manual, which includes specific references to the use of Jetty and Teams in a response (9202-27 Handling Media Calls, 9202-51 Website Checklist – How to Create a Website).  Look it up!

Improvement Plan

  • Use a coffee break to identify each social media platform your organization uses.
    • Check to see if you can log in to each account, and if you know your way around to monitor comments, post or repost content.
    • If you can’t log in and/or lack experience in using the account, who do you call?
    • Refresh yourself with your social media policy.
    • Is it included in your Crisis Communication Plan?
    • Is it shared with employees?
  • Log into Teams
    • Navigate around your Teams site.
    • Can you find the JIC?
    • Where in Teams do you go for response information?
  • Log into Jetty.
    • Draft a document.
    • Enter and answer an inquiry.
    • Open a contact record.
    • Search for a document, individual or inquiry.
  • Make a media list from your Outlook accounts and export it.

You’ll know if you’re ready to use the tools already available to you well before your coffee is cold. If your coffee gets cold before you’re done, you’re not ready!

Interested? Want more information? Contact me!

On a related note…

Does your Crisis Communication Plan provide guidance and tools that are needed for effective stakeholder communication in a crisis? Do you worry or wonder about its capability and currency? Here’s how you can be sure:

  • Ensure coordination between plans. Review both Crisis Communication Plan and Emergency Response Plan to be sure they play well together.
  • Assess your Crisis Communication Plan’s capability. I use 30 specific measurements.
  • Recommend Plan edits. Draft the edits needed in Plan or policy language.
  • Implement Plan edits. Add or edit content needed to maximize Plan effectiveness.
  • Enjoy a newfound peace of mind. Both you and your plans are ready for the worst!

I’m happy to work with you to ensure your success!

Contact me if you have any questions!

Making the Best out of the Worst #5

Row of mailboxes

This post is the fifth ‘Lessons Learned’ from my experiences in several Worst Case Drills (WCDs) held in 2024. Each ‘Lessons Learned’ focuses on a specific issue revealed in the WCDs that affects communicators’ ability to communicate in a crisis. I plan on posting one per week for the next several weeks. Feel free to use this information to improve your own planning or response actions. I hope it helps!

Lessons Learned I’ve posted to date:

#1: The approval dragon lives!

#2: Don’t do your old job in your new job

#3: Effective initial actions ensure effective initial messaging

#4: Build cooperation in the JIC

I’ve included a ‘Mini’ Improvement Plan for each Lesson Learned, to help you ensure your readiness in an actual incident. Each action should fit into a coffee break, unless it reveals the need for more work – no guarantees then! (But contact me if you need help!)

A quick reminder: Effective drill performance is NOT the end goal of attendance: Effective RESPONSE performance is.  Don’t fixate on ‘winning’ a drill; focus on being ready for an actual event. If a review of your drill capabilities reveals shortcomings, don’t wait for the next WCD. Fix it now!

5) Can you send content to stakeholders?

Stakeholder communication is a fact of life in a Worst Case incident. A large group of concerned stakeholders will expect to receive information from you directly. They will want to know what is happening NOW. Not communicating directly to them will impact their opinion of your organization, the effectiveness of your response and their willingness to trust you. Not a great starting point!

Despite this importance of communicating with stakeholders, WCDs seldom test your capability to disseminate information directly to them. They test your ability to draft and approve Press Releases and Incident Updates, possibly post them on a dark site to demonstrate your capability. But drills seldom include distribution to external stakeholders.

There is valid justification for not doing so. The drill environment is restricted to internal actions only. External impact and response activity are simulated. This keeps WCD costs down. Deployment is expensive. Outside activity might also draw unwanted attention from members of the public.

WCD participants are regularly reminded not even to talk about their WCD when outside the drill area. This is good advice: I once attended a terrorism exercise where participants were firmly reminded not to talk about the scenario in public areas of the host hotel. Hotel guests had overheard conversations about the simulated anthrax release and were trying to check out and flee the premises.

Given this enforced privacy, it’s obvious that sending created content to outside stakeholders in a WCD should be avoided. So we have this ‘abracadabra’ moment when drafted and approved information is magically ‘sent’ to stakeholders. A critical element of effective response isn’t actually being tested.

How does the JIC speak directly with stakeholders?

Social Media: A powerful tool for delivering message to individuals. The message can become mixed and uncontrollable. The ‘sender’ is often the ‘poster’ or the ‘commenter’ instead of the JIC. You don’t always know what your stakeholder are actually receiving. More on social media strategies in a later post!

Print and broadcast media: Absolutely a great multiplier of your message. But they’re also a ‘filter’ between what you provide and what they publish. You don’t have control over what or who they add or delete from your story.

Email distribution: If your objective is to speak directly with your affected stakeholders, you have to deliver your messages directly to them. This is typically done via email. While email is a powerful tool, it’s dependent on your ability to provide email addresses for all stakeholders who will want to receive response information from you.

How do you capture and communicate with your own stakeholders?

You actually already are. You already have access to people who are important to your organization. You just need to find them.

They’re on multiple lists within your organization, used daily to accomplish key business objectives. They’re client lists, vendor lists, government relations lists, employee lists, lists of marketing resources and so on. These lists exist. They’re updated for daily use and they each identify groups of your stakeholders. So find them and use them when you need them! A stakeholder list doesn’t accomplish much if you can’t access it or use it.

You don’t have to test it. You already know your email platform will send emails. Still, you need to make sure that you have accurate, updated stakeholder lists when you need them.

How do you test a distribution that never happens? Test the Process.

Find your stakeholder lists.

  • Which lists? Start with the usual suspects: media, elected officials, employees, customers, vendors, regulators, shareholders, etc.
  • Who owns the lists? Who uses them?
  • Match the person to the directory
    • Media: Public Affairs
    • Elected officials: Government Relations
    • Employees: Human Resources
    • And so on….
  • Ensure access and usability of each list
    • Gather 24/7 contact information for each list owner. Explain that you may need ‘their list’ immediately, at any time.
    • Gather 24/7 contact information for IT Staff. You’ll need them for website or social media support as well.
    • Ask IT Staff to ensure a rapid upload of each directory onto selected email platforms.
  • Lease, don’t buy!
    • Let list owners own the lists. They’ll keep their lists updated because the need to for their own use. Just make sure you can access the list when you need it!
    • For both List owners and IT staff, be sure they understand why timely and accurate lists are so important, and don’t forget to thank them for their help.

Your first and most critical audience

Do you have access to your Response Plan’s Incident Notification List? It’s a key requirement of your organization’s Response Plan. It’s a list of organizations that will be contacted directly by telephone at the inception of the incident. Contacts include response organizations, regulators, critical facilities such as schools or hospitals, as well as neighboring facilities and businesses. They typically include a small list of local or regional media as well.

Because they are the first notified (sometimes even before you are! Another topic…), contacts listed on the Notification List are your first and most critical audience. They know what has happened and they are likely sharing it with their own stakeholders. But unless you have their email addresses, they won’t be provided additional information or updates about the response.

Improvement Plan:

  • Set up your list-leasing process with list owners and IT Staff
  • Review the Incident Notification List to be sure you can provide information to the listed contacts.
    • Make sure the Notification List includes email addresses. They usually don’t.
  • Create a current copy of the list, in a compatible (email directory) format.
    • Open the list and call a few of the phone numbers for local notifications. Are they correct?
  • If not, dedicate time to verify each number AND obtain a durable email address.
  • Send your finished list to IT staff to ensure rapid uploading for use.
  • Buy your list owners and IT staff donuts? Coffee?

Interested? Want more information? Contact me!

On a related note: Does your Crisis Communication Plan provide guidance and tools like this that are needed for effective stakeholder communication in a crisis? Do you worry or wonder about its capability and currency? Here’s how you can be sure:

  • Ensure coordination between plans. Review both Crisis Communication Plan and Emergency Response Plan to be sure they play well together.
  • Assess your Crisis Communication Plan’s capability. I use 30 specific measurements.
  • Recommend Plan edits. Draft the edits needed in Plan or policy language.
  • Implement Plan edits. Add or edit content needed to maximize Plan effectiveness.
  • Enjoy a newfound peace of mind. Both you and your plans are ready for the worst!

I’m happy to work with you to ensure your success! Here are two steps you can take right now:

Contact me NOW! The first person to contact me to mention this post will receive a credit for 8 hours of my Plan review services.

Making the Best out of the Worst: #4

Image of people helping one another

This post is the fourth ‘Lessons Learned’ from my experiences in several Worst Case Drills (WCDs) held in 2024. Each ‘Lessons Learned’ focuses on a specific issue revealed in the WCDs that affects communicators’ ability to communicate in a crisis. I plan on posting ome each week over the next several weeks. Feel free to use this information to improve your own planning or response actions. I hope it helps!

Lessons Learned I’ve posted to date:

#1: The approval dragon lives!

#2: Don’t do your old job in your new job

#3: Effective initial actions ensure effective initial messaging

I’ve included a ‘Mini Improvement Plan’ for each Lessons Learned, to help you ensure your readiness in an actual incident. Each action should fit into a coffee break, unless it reveals the need for more work – no guarantees then! (But contact me if you need help!)

A quick reminder: Effective drill performance is NOT the end goal of attendance: Effective RESPONSE performance is.  Don’t fixate on ‘winning’ a drill; focus on being ready for an actual event. If a review of your drill capabilities reveals shortcomings, don’t wait for the next WCD. Fix it now!

4) Build cooperation in the JIC

In a major response, the Joint Information Center (JIC) will be made up of personnel representing all partner agencies in the response, as well as the Responsible Party (RP). Where do they fit, and how do they start working together? Here’s specific guidance from the Pacific Northwest Contingency Plan’s JIC manual:

“When an incident occurs, there is a high demand for fast and accurate information. Public perception is often shaped by impressions formed in the first hours of a response.

When a state environmental or emergency management agency, the USCG, or the EPA first learn about a spill, the respective PIOs should quickly contact one another to share information in an effort to release a joint media statement. The goal should be to get this first release and/or social media post approved and issued within the first two hours after notification is received.

If a Responsible Party (RP) is named, PIOs should include the RP’s lead response communicator in information sharing. The RP’s response communicator should be identified in the RP’s applicable Emergency Response Plan. The RP’s response communicator will have access to detailed information regarding the RP’s preparation and response that could be valuable in clearly describing the incident and response activities.”

Contact and Coordinate

There you have it! How to work together to communicate effectively when an incident occurs. Early contact and coordination is crucial to ensure cooperation throughout a response. By working together, response partners can share common information from multiple sources with a shared audience. This paves the way for public trust and acceptance of response actions.

How can this work out in an actual event?

How does the RP’s lead response communicator foster cooperation in early stages of a response? What practical actions should you focus on in the critical initial hours?

  • Provide rapid and direct stakeholder communication from the inception of the response. Failure to communicate quickly and directly with stakeholders is equivalent to failing to respond.
    • Determine the impact of the incident on the surrounding public, including the anticipated level of stakeholder interest and sensitivity.
    • Determine the key concerns of stakeholders, including the potency of each concern.
    • Publish an Initial Statement as quickly as possible.
    • Publish appropriate Key Messages to alleviate identified key stakeholder concerns.
    • Provide additional updates, as much as possible in coordination with other agencies.
  • Reach out to response agencies to coordinate ongoing stakeholder communication content.
    • Share your published response updates with other agencies.
    • Share your initial assessment of incident impact and key concerns.
    • Upon formation of a JIC, join the JIC and offer published content for initial JIC use. This content provides initial information until JIC gets up to speed.
  • Commit to the long run! A JIC is made up of multiple qualified communicators, serving over the duration of the response.
    • Cooperate with other JIC members to determine which role best fits each communicator.
    • Agree with how each organization represented in the JIC will jointly share content created in the JIC. Preserve one voice for response information!
    • Bloom where you’re planted! Avoid conflict and fit in for the long run! There will be ample opportunity to fill other roles over the duration of the response.

Improvement Plan

  • Determine which organizations will join Unified Command should a worst-case incident occur at your facility.
  • Identify each organization’s lead PIO. They know who you are from your Emergency Response Plan, but you don’t know them.
  • Add their contact information to your Crisis Communication Plan.
    • Include them with your list of internal communication resources.
    • Include them in all content distribution from the initial statement on.
  • Schedule a meeting with them NOW to walk through the initial information flow in a response.
    • Know how you’ll work together before you have to!
    • Ask them for their other communicators and associated contact information.
    • If you are participating in a WCD soon, be sure to engage with the other participating communicators. Take advantage of this opportunity to start an ongoing relationship.

Interested? Want more information? Contact me!

On a related note: Does your Crisis Communication Plan provide guidance and tools needed for effective stakeholder communication in a crisis? Do you worry or wonder about its capability and currency? Here’s how you can be sure:

  • Ensure coordination between plans. Review both Crisis Communication Plan and Emergency Response Plan to be sure they play well together.
  • Assess your Crisis Communication Plan’s capability. I use 30 specific measurements.
  • Recommend Plan edits. Draft the edits needed in Plan or policy language.
  • Implement Plan edits. Add or edit content needed to maximize Plan effectiveness.
  • Enjoy a newfound peace of mind. Both you and your plans are ready for the worst!

I’m happy to work with you to ensure your success! Here are two steps you can take right now:

  1. Contact me to set up an appointment to discuss my Plan review process. No obligation!
  2. Contact me NOW! The first person to request a meeting to discuss the process will receive a credit for the first 8 hours of my Plan review services.

Making the Best out of the Worst: #3

The greatest of all drills is the Worst Case Drill (WCD), designed to simulate a worst case incident that fully tests an operator’s response capability. A WCD gives oil handling operations a greater understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their activation of oil spill contingency plans, equipment, personnel and procedures. A well planned WCD also tests the effectiveness of stakeholder communication.

Since communicators attend only their own organizations’ WCDs, I’ve compiled a set of lessons learned from multiple WCDs that I’ve attended on 2024, into ‘Lessons Learned’ to share with current and future PIOs and JIC participants.

I’ve included a mini ‘Improvement Plan’ for each of the lessons learned. The suggested actions can help ensure readiness for stakeholder communication in an actual incident. Each Improvement Plan action should fit into a coffee break, unless it reveals the need for more work – no guarantees then! (But contact me if you need help!)

I’ll post a new Lesson Learned each week over the next several weeks. Feel free to use this information to improve your own planning or response actions. I hope they help!

A quick reminder: Effective drill performance is NOT the end goal of attendance: Effective RESPONSE performance is.  Don’t fixate on ‘winning’ a drill; focus on being ready for an actual event. If a review of your drill capabilities reveals shortcomings, don’t wait for the next WCD. Fix it now!

Effective initial actions ensure effective initial messaging

…Meanwhile, impatient to mount and ride, booted and spurred, with a heavy stride, on the opposite shore walked Paul Revere.

Now he patted his horse’s side, now gazed on the landscape far and near, then impetuous stamped the earth and turned and tightened his saddle-girth;

But mostly he watched with eager search the belfry-tower of the old North Church, as it rose above the graves on the hill, lonely and spectral and somber and still.

And lo! as he looks, on the belfry’s height, a glimmer, and then a gleam of light! He springs to the saddle, the bridle he turns, but lingers and gazes, till full on his sight a second lamp in the belfry burns!…

Paul Revere’s Ride, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807 –1882

OK, we’re not quite Paul Revere saving a nascent nation, but communicators do have a clarion call in a response: We are the vital link between response actions and stakeholders’ trust!

It takes time for a response to roll out and this is reflected in drill scenarios, which typically start a few hours into the response. Actual incidents seldom start this way. They start with one person or a small group of people, in charge of all initial actions in reflection of a core tenet of Incident Command; “You are in charge!” The first people on site are in charge of the response until more qualified individuals arrive.

A response grows to match the incident. As additional responders arrive, the response coalesces into an increasingly complex Incident Command structure, to Unified Command if applicable.

This process occurs as rapidly as possible, but mobilization of people and equipment is bound by time and space; this is one reason on-location response equipment is a regulatory requirement for many facilities and operations.

Responses start with notification:

A key initial activity is notification, often mandated as the first action after ensuring the safety of responders and affected public. Every Emergency Response Plan includes some form of an Initial Incident Report, accompanied by a Notification List of key contacts: Facility and corporate leadership, responders and response organizations, regulators, sensitive populations, etc. This ensures that all the organizations that may have to take their own actions in response to an incident are notified promptly. 

Even major responses start with a time-and-resource-limited initial response. It takes time to deploy boom, time to order resources, time to travel, time for briefings, time to actually begin the physical response! Notification begins the process of mobilizing responders, still bound by time and space

Rapid stakeholder communication is critical:

Of all the activities needed from the inception of a response, rapid stakeholder communication is the most critical. Public concerns increase at the scale of response awareness: Unbound by time or space, stakeholder awareness expands exponentially, driven by observations, interpretation, opinion, concern and alarm.

In a major event, the public will be aware, alarmed and active immediately. Without reliable, factual information this dynamic leads to escalating concern; missing information leads to misinformation! 

Key resources for stakeholder communication:

Response communicators need five resources to respond in pace with erupting community concerns:

  1. Rapid notification: Communicators must be included on the notification list to receive initial information. Seconds count, minutes can’t be wasted: The communication team needs to be activated at the same time executive leaders are. No second tier! If you’re not notified, you can’t meet stakeholder needs.
  2. An evaluation tool: Communicators must have the capability to review initial response information and determine stakeholder concerns and sensitivity. If you don’t know the scope of stakeholder sensitivity, you can’t satisfy their concerns.
  3. Initial content: An effective evaluation will identify key facts to share, initial impact on stakeholders, and content needed to alleviate their concerns. An effective response communication plan will include initial statement templates and key messages for predetermined stakeholder concerns. Slow content creation will result in slow stakeholder communication.
  4. Rapid review and approval: Communicators need immediate access to individuals who can review and approve drafted content. These individuals must know the criticality of initial stakeholder communication and have approval rights. Slow review and approval in approval leads to delay. Delay leads to distrust.
  5. Dissemination capability: Communicators need immediate access to sensitive populations. Distribution lists should be identified, prepared and available for use, and the platforms for sharing approved content need to be available. You aren’t communicating if you’re not sharing information directly to your stakeholders!

Improvement Plan:

  • Are you are included on all notification lists? Be sure you’re a top-level contact, so you have the most time possible for your initial activities.
  • Do you have an evaluation process? Be sure you’re ready to effectively conduct an incident evaluation to determine stakeholder concerns and quickly share it with leadership.
  • Can you write your content? Can you rapidly provide drafts of information that meets initial stakeholder concerns? Your timeline to do so should be minutes, not hours!
  • Can you use your content? Test your review and approval process by drafting content and sharing it with known approvers.
  • Can you share your content? Review your dissemination lists and tools. Determine if they’re up to date and available for your immediate use.

Confused? Alarmed?  Want more information? Contact me!

Making the Best out of the Worst: #2

The greatest of all drills is the Worst Case Drill (WCD). A WCD simulates a worst case incident to fully test an operator’s response capability. Participating in a WCD allows oil handling operations to gain a greater understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their oil spill contingency plans, equipment, and procedures.

Since communicators usually attend only their own organizations’ WCDs, I’ve compiled a set of lessons learned from multiple WCDs that I attended into ‘Lessons Learned’ to share with current and future PIOs and JIC participants.

I’ve included a mini ‘Improvement Plan’ for each of the lessons learned. These suggestions for specific actions may help ensure readiness for an actual incident. Each Improvement Plan should fit into a coffee break, unless it reveals the need for more work – no guarantees then! (But contact me if you need help!)

I’ll be posting one Lesson Learned per week over the next several weeks. Feel free to use this information to improve your own planning or response actions. I hope they help!

A quick reminder: Effective drill performance is NOT the end goal of attendance: Effective RESPONSE performance is.  Don’t fixate on ‘winning’ a drill; focus on being ready for an actual event. If a review of your drill capabilities reveals shortcomings, don’t wait for the next WCD. Fix it now!

2)     Don’t do your old job in your new job

The primary WCD objective is to test response capability. Each section of the ICS structure is tested using specific injects to measure response effectiveness. Specific deliverables for the JIC are typically focused on:

  • Effectiveness of the PIO in representing stakeholders to Incident Command.
  • Effectiveness of the PIO in representing Incident Command to stakeholders.
  • Ability to develop a coordinated, cooperative JIC with responding organizations’ communicators.
  • Providing an appropriate level of counsel and content the JIC provides to Incident Command.
  • Effectively preparing for, and conducting, a press conference or community meeting.
  • Identification of stakeholder concerns and creation of content needed to address each one.
  • Timeliness and pertinence of communication content.
  • Effective social media management.
  • And so on

Each WCD requires a strong focus on JIC structure and roles, including effective placement of each available communicator, typically directed by either policy or people: What do the Area Contingency Plan or Joint Information Center Manual prescribe for participating communicators. Who is available and what is their training?

Most JICs invoke some variant of ‘Most Qualified Individual’ (MQI): Who is the best qualified person for each position? This qualification is determined by both training and experience. Higher trained, more experienced communicators will be placed in the most critical positions.

How do you attain these positions? That’s the second reason WCDs are conducted: To offer people the opportunity to gain experience in a ‘practice’ setting that will increase performance in a real response.

A WCD provides a great opportunity to try out new roles and positions. We often jump at this opportunity, and we often run into the same issue: The stress level inherent in the drill causes us to fall back to actions we’re familiar with instead of practicing the actions needed in our new position. This is not unique to the JIC, drills or responses. It’s a common behavior in every facet of our lives: stress freezes us and causes us to seek and stay in our ‘safe place’, which is seldom the new role or behavior we need to succeed.

What happens? Let’s take a detour to fast food.

I worked my way through college at a pizza parlor, rising to the level of assistant manager. In that role, I was responsible for running the store on our busiest nights. One night, we were short staffed, running out of everything and there was a line of customers out the door. To ease the load on the pizza cooks I assigned the slowest worker to run the cash register, which gave more time between each order while managing customer expectations (nobody waits for their pizza until they’ve ordered it!).

We were out of sliced tomatoes, so I ran into the prep room to cut more. I was faster at slicing tomatoes than anyone else, so this was a best use of my time. Pretty good management decisions, right?

My boss didn’t think so: He walked into the prep room and asked what I was doing. I told him what and why. He disagreed. “No matter how good you are at slicing tomatoes, your job on a night like this is to run the register, meet the customers and keep your crew running right. It’s not about slicing tomatoes; it’s about being in front of your customers!”

What had I done wrong? I’d reverted back to my safety zone of being the fastest tomato slicer, and I’d stepped away from what was most important. My crew needed my leadership more than they needed my tomatoes.

The same thing can happen to us in a WCD – or a real response! When we step into a new role in the JIC, and we experience the stress of the new position, we can inadvertently revert to known, safe behavior. If we’ve stepped into the JIC Manager position, we might revert to writing a press release (Information Creation role) or answering inquiry calls (Inquiry Management role). If we’re trying out the PIO position, we may revert to making the JIC run better (JIC Manager role). We know these roles, and we’re safe in them. But we’re not meeting requirements of our new position. And we’re failing the response.

WCDs are rightfully touted as an opportunity to test knowledge and capability, work with people who will be next to you in a real event, and practice new roles in a safe environment. At the same time, the JIC function is being graded and the grade earned will be a part of the overall drill success or failure. So, it’s a good idea to maximize your preparation so you can maximize your capability and success!

Improvement Plan:

  • Ambition is be rewarded, so go for it! Go ahead and try on a higher position!
  • Read all the pertinent training materials. Take the available ICS courses.
  • Remind yourself that your new role is going to be the only role you have. Resolve to perform only the functions inherent in your new role. Don’t go back to slicing tomatoes!
  • Practice your new role before participating in the WCD. This requires a combination of study and a response walk-through. Participating in a walk-through with a mentor – an experienced communicator you work with, to give you a combination of knowledge and muscle memory that will stress-proof you for a drill or, more importantly, an actual event.
  • Have your mentor conduct a mini-TTX with you. (What’s a mini-TTX? Ask me!)