These posts are written to encourage thoughtful consideration of the entire range of communication strategy, plans and effectiveness. They’re based on my experiences in actual responses, as well as drills, exercises, tabletops and crisis communication plan reviews.

Feel free to share,  comment or contact me directly.  I value your input!

Sea Change

Every so often, a sea change occurs in our communication world.

Sometimes without us realizing it.  We tend to notice major sea change, when its impact makes recognition and understanding unavoidable. But some changes sneak up on us and change our world without us realizing it.

In the FX television series “The People vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story”, the prosecuting attorney’s office was portrayed as confident of their capability to win the case. They had the evidence, the chain of custody, the motive and the method. Yet the series portrays how, through a series of missteps, they lost the case badly.

As I watched the series (binge-watched – all 10 episodes over a single weekend!), I was struck at the lesson for communicators: If we don’t remain aware of the world changing around us we won’t even know the peril we’re in. Instead of watching and learning, we will try to address new issues with the same old strategies and tactics. We’ll end up losing before we even start.

In the show, the prosecution team failed to realize that the defense was launching an unforeseen strategy.  The defense team contested neither facts, timeline or evidence. Instead they challenged the veracity of the witnesses and used outside events to cast doubt in the jury’s minds. The prosecution didn’t lose because O.J. was innocent, they lost because they gave away the confidence of the jury. The prosecutors failed to establish a narrative leading to O.J’s guilt for the jury, instead they depended on the facts. The defense did provide a narrative regardless of the facts, and their narrative led the jury to doubt the prosecution’s case.

As expressed in the LA Times review of the series: “The explanation for the phenomenon was addressed in the “Conspiracy Theories” episode when Alan Dershowitz (Evan Handler) instructs his Harvard law class that, “You need to provide a narrative, not just in the courtroom; in the world” before saying, “Look at what the culture is becoming. The media, they want narrative too. But they want it to be entertainment.” It’s a meta moment in a television series filled with them.”

As proof of point, consider that O.J. lost the subsequent civil trial with the same evidence, where a judge, not a jury, rendered the verdict.

Dealing with Sea Change

New tactics that weren’t foreseen by the prosecution decided the ‘trial of the century’. The prosecution didn’t recognize the sea change, to a world where opinions and innuendo could neutralize facts.  In the same way, if we don’t adapt to emerging communication realities we will lose our effectiveness. If we don’t recognize the sea changes that impact communication strategy, we’ll expend scarce resources on the wrong actions and lose resources for the right actions.  Sea change leads to new strategies and tactics – old ones need to be discarded as relics of another time.  We need to recognize our relics – the old ways of doing business we keep using – and address them.

What are today’s response communication relics?

In today’s world some of ‘what we’ve always done’ is fruitless at best and wasteful of scarce resources at worst. Much traditional response communication strategy won’t help us succeed at effective stakeholder communication when we need it the most. Yet response structures tend to enforce and rely on the following relics:

1) The Press Release: Developed in the day when we depended on the Press to multiply our message, the press release gave members of the media key information and statements they could use to write their stories. It’s an anachronism today. The news cycle doesn’t follow media publication schedules, nor do progressive media use content of press releases to generate news stories. Today’s instant demand for the latest information forces media outlets to find and publish instant news. Media will publish or air longer stories when they can, but first they need a flow of information that helps them keep their viewers.

Crafting a press release for distribution wastes time and resources that could be used to disseminate facts and justification of response activities. Better for you to establish a flow of facts, as short as single statements. Give your stakeholders the ‘what’ first; then provide regular releases explaining why Command decisions are made with subsequent actions taken. The media you depend on to multiply your information will be happier and more cooperative if you are giving them the fact-flow they need for relevance.

2) The media packet: Today’s media packet is easily defined as ‘everything they can find online about you’. Response communicators must ensure an online presence of pertinent information, immediately posted for global use:

  • What spilled? Post the product MSDS and other safety information or fact sheets.
  • Are you using dispersants? Post the dispersant MSDS and any pertinent fact sheets about dispersant use.
  • Are you mobilizing SCAT (Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique) Teams? Publish local Ecology agencies’ SCAT fact sheets.
  • Do you have equipment deployed? Are you cleaning a specific beach? Post images of it.
  • Is Command making critical decisions about sensitive issues? Provide information that supports an understanding of these decisions.
  • Questions about your financial capability? Make sure your latest Annual Report is available.
  • Questions about your commitment? Post your latest Sustainability Report

3) The Press Conference:  Who is going to wait for a scheduled Press Conference to gather information or ask questions? Media don’t have the luxury of waiting for you to tell them what is happening. They need information now. Reporting resources are ever more scarce in the news business; the media outlets most affected by your incident may not even be able to expend news staff time and travel funds to attend your press conference.

Where will you hold the press conference? At Unified Command? Why would any media come to the Command center? Every response plan includes identification of a location for Press Conferences, usually close to Command but not in Command. Planners seem equally concerned with allowing media to get close, yet keeping them away. But nothing ever happens at Unified Command.

The action is all ‘out there’. If you invite media anywhere, they should be invited to visit any location where command activities are underway.  The only restriction of media access should be for safety reasons.

Think of responding to an incident that impacts shorelines: Why would media want to come to the command center?  The action is on the shore. Instead of Press Conferences, hold Press Briefings, where they’re needed, on a scheduled basis. Use the Press Briefing entirely for the ‘why’. Expect media to have the latest facts, and use the time with them to provide and explain Command perspective.

4) Prime time or drive time interviews: Countless exercise injects include provision of interviews at selected times. There is value in providing sound bites or video footage for media use, but there is no value in providing it only at specific times. Media can’t wait for a quote or image – they need it NOW.

You need to provide a constant source of quotes, images and video. This is one function of the Command location; Open a Media Center at Command facility where media can visit with subject matter experts, assigned information officers or command staff. Keep this center staffed with one or more spokespersons for an extended time, and for heaven’s sakes serve coffee and meals. Treat it as a drop-in center for wayward media. Welcome them with food and conversation – and it is all on-the-record conversation.

5) ‘Off the record’: Off the record doesn’t exist at any level. Remember this with community meetings, agency briefings or elected official briefings (Liaison). Anything you say can and will be used against you. Period. This does NOT mean you don’t talk. It just means you never consider any discussion to be ‘off the record’.

6) The photo pool: The Internet killed the photo pool, and cell phones and drones drove the nails into its coffin. Response communication today must include provision of high quality imagery and video, not by selected media but by trained response personnel. Communication plans and resourcing must include this capacity. YOU are the photo pool!

Don’t yield to sea change and give up the battle for imagery; providing high quality imagery from within the response is a powerful communication advantage. Media will use any images they can get, but they will replace them with better quality and better perspective images, that only response personnel can provide. There is no better source of high quality, in-demand images than a trained photographer can provide from locations only accessible to responders. They will be used, and they will replace the ubiquitous and impersonal distance shots.

7) The flight restriction: Drones. Enough said. The flight restriction may keep piloted aircraft and news helicopters out of a safety zone, but you can’t control drone images and video. This is another major sea change when every study shows the massive impact of video on stakeholder understanding and acceptance.

All the more reason to provide quality imagery and video.

And don’t accede to any suggestion to announce Command’s intention to disable or down drones to neutralize their intrusion. This ‘reasonable’ command impulse is death to Command reputation. Flight restrictions do apply to drones, as well as numerous other regulations for safe flying.  But not all drone pilots follow them.  Let law enforcement deal with this, and do not comment on it. Do you really want to be known as the people who shot down drones?  Or arrested people for flying them?

8) “No comment”: Many organizations coach line staff to defer media questions to an ‘authorized spokesperson’. This is common in responses as well, when Command instructs all physical responders to defer any media questions ‘to Command’ or ‘to the PIO’. The problem with this fourfold:

  • The media is on-location. Media want to be where the people are and the action is. They’re not going to leave the people and action to ask someone else, somewhere else, their questions. They will either keep asking until someone talks, or they will report ‘a spokesperson was not available for comment’ – allowing themselves full reign to determine your reputation. If you want response personnel to defer to a spokesperson, the spokesperson needs to be where they are.
  • It sounds evasive. Why don’t you want response personnel to talk? Are you trying to hide something? Any deferral requires careful coaching, and it won’t stop additional questions. Better to empower personnel to share specific comments and give them suggestions for how to defer if they really don’t want to talk.
  • Someone else will talk. There is always someone who will talk. If not response staff, a bystander will always be willing to become the ‘instant expert’. Instructing people who know something about what is happening to refuse to talk simply ensures that a less knowledgeable and less qualified person can become the voice of the response.
  • ‘Your people’ still talk.  Even if ‘your people’ don’t talk to the media on location, they still talk. They talk on Twitter, Facebook, across the fence, at dinner, out for drinks. This may be the greatest sea change;  every person is now the media, multiplying your message on multiple platforms.  You simply are not going to staunch the flow if information, and it will inevitably end up as public comment.  Far better to include all responders in the response information flow so they know the big picture of what’s going on, and to provide solid guidance in what to say in response to media inquiries.

How about you?

What response communication relics caused by sea change do you know of? What tactics have you used to be effective in today’s communication world? Share them here!

Interested in more information?  Contact me!

We Are All Sausages

Trauma exposes the real us: We may look sleek and shiny on the outside, but the truth is that there are always messes inside. When trauma slices across our lives, it exposes our secret side even as it impacts our prepared public face. In every personal crisis, all our internal stresses and strains come to light. The messy truth of our lives emerges and we have to deal with it. It’s part of counseling, part of social work, part of all our lives.

The same thing happens with organizations: No individual and no organization is completely transparent. If for no other reason, there simply isn’t time or interest in reporting every peccadillo or stumble. So we continue our everyday practice of being or looking ‘good enough’. We work to deflect attention from mistakes or misdeeds.

Then a crisis occurs, and suddenly everything is fair game. Past indiscretions don’t remain in the past. They’re always there, under the surface and waiting to bubble up when we least want them to. Past issues well-dealt with still emerge, and issues never resolved emerge anew alongside the latest outrage:

A refinery suffered a major accident resulting in injuries and fatalities. This refinery had endured decades of bad relations with employee unions and the local community. Guess what information emerged during the response: The old antagonisms between the company, the union and the community again rose to the surface.

Rumblings about poor corporate safety culture were reinforced with release of previous confidential internal memos outlining safety concerns. Community complaints and grievances were aired publicly. On top of the current accident and tragedy, all the old baggage came out on display.

There were practical impacts to this feud:

  • The refinery owner didn’t allow photographs of the response efforts to be taken, due to fear that the communities’ prevailing animosity would use the images as ammunition against claims of poor safety record (“If we post pictures of responders in protective gear, the family will want to know why their dad didn’t have any”).
  • Without effective imagery of people responding, the response was never ‘humanized’, defined instead by aerial photographs of the facility damage and spilled product.
  • The discussion quickly shifted from incident response to the stewing debate about neglected safety and poor community involvement.
  • In the poisoned atmosphere, the resulting bunker mentality merely ensured that the public dialogue ignored response efforts while focusing on decades-old issues.

You don’t get do-overs in crisis response. You can’t correct old wrongs. You have to play the messy hand you’re dealt. This will always happen. Every person, every family, every community and every organization has skeletons in the closet. They will be exposed, one by one, as a crisis unfolds. The glare of the public eye will find your every mishap or misdeed and broadcast it for all to see.

You need to be ready for this. It is inevitable. So what can you do?

Know your flaws

Don’t ignore your organization’s history. Research past incidents and issues that have impacted your community’s perceptions of your organization. Determine what has been done in the past to rectify or resolve them. Don’t be caught by surprise!

Accept your flaws yourself

Know that dirty laundry will be pulled out of the hamper, skeletons will rattle out of closets and dirt will be drug out from under the rug. Don’t waste time, emotions and energy in despairing or reacting. There’s nothing you can do to prevent it. You need your energy and emotions for proper response communication.

Verify, verify, verify

Confirm the charges. It they are real, they are real. Acknowledge past issues and incidents. Express your commitment to prompt and accurate reporting. Assure stakeholders that you take all charges seriously, examine them carefully and own what is true.

Acknowledge reality

Don’t attempt to deny or deflect: Don’t throw red meat to a critical audience. If the charges are true, acknowledge them If they are new, say so. If they were previously received and addressed say so. If they are your’s, own them. Remember that facts tell us what, not why. Acknowledge the ‘what’.

Never deny the truth

Today’s pervasively connected world has foisted a level of transparency on all our actions. It is not possible to keep secrets any more. So here’s a radical thought: Tell the truth. Telling the truth may be painful and may expose your organization to a harsher light than you may wish, but it is also economical. Tell the truth, apologize and make amends, and the issue is done. If it comes up again, refer to the original acknowledgment and move on. Lies require constant repetition or reinforcement. Truth is truth. Save time and effort.

Promise action

Accept new allegations as valuable in your organization’s efforts towards safe and responsible operations. Express a commitment to include them in any investigation or discovery process. Promise to deal with them seriously, and to report back. Share why this action is important; it reflects your values, and your values define your reputation.

Pivot to the current response

Remind your stakeholders that you’re committed to an effective response for the current situation. Indicate that your organization is committed to resolving the current issue with all diligence. Express your commitment to transparency and sharing.

Move on

Receive, verify, acknowledge, promise and pivot. Then leave it behind. If the same charge comes up again, refer to the original statement. Turn the conversation back to current response information. If a new charge comes up, wash rinse and repeat.

Interested in more information?  Contact me!

Lizard Brains at Work

Why does it seem like we go brain dead in a crisis? We plan and prepare assiduously, locking procedures into our minds and increasing our muscle memory with regular exercises. Then when ‘the big one’ hits, we seem to forget everything we’ve learned. Even if we don’t, it seems like everyone else has. Everything seems to slow down, and the procedures we’ve practiced suddenly don’t work. What happened? Stress happened, and our ‘lizard brain’ took over.

What’s our lizard brain? Here’s what the American Museum of Natural History has to say: “Lizards and humans share similar brain parts, which they inherited from fish. These parts handle basic body functions like breathing, balance, and coordination, and simple survival urges like feeding, mating, and defense. Together, these parts–the brain stem, cerebellum, and basal ganglia–are casually referred to as your “lizard brain.”

Consider everything you do in a response to fall under the ‘defense’ role. We’ll leave the other simple survival urges to another time, though you see evidence of the ‘feeding’ urge in the amounts of food put out at for an exercise!

How we react to stress

You see it every time you’re stressed; you get tongue tied, you forget where you’re going, your motions slow down and you strain to hear what is being said. Our brains focus on survival, and stop thinking about the unimportant things like strategy, response activities, organization or critical thinking.

Of course this impacts our ability to do our jobs! It impacts every area of stakeholder communication. We depend on our ability to listen, hear, analyze and determine response strategy and words. And suddenly it isn’t there.

Sometimes the basic motions continue to work – enough people are in the room to develop a ‘group think’ that pushes us forward – enough habits coalesce into a resemblance of effectiveness.

But the lizard is still there, manifesting itself in subtle and dangerous ways. What impact does our lizard brain have on our actions? Much. Here are two examples:

1) The survival instinct – pushing the same buttons

Every response is different from every other response, but we can find ourselves doing exactly the same thing we’ve done before. Our muscle memory remains but the critical thinking it’s designed to support is hindered. So we do what we did ‘last time’. We do this because ‘the known’ feels safe, and our lizard brains are focused on safety.

We might even find our behavior reverting back months or years, to the most dominant habits we’ve developed. How do we break this survival instinct and focus on what needs to happen, now?

  • Verify current facts: What happened? How bad can it be?
  • Look forward: What will we have to do to return to ‘normal’? How long will it take?
  • Focus outward: Who will be impacted by the event? What will their concerns be? How do we help them understand and accept our actions?

Draw these points out. Focus on them. Plan your actions around them. These considerations will allow you to break away from you lizard brain, leave behind ‘safety’ habits and pursue planned, logical and conscious actions relevant to right now.

2) Tunnel Vision vs. accurate decisions

We’re all aware of the false warning issues by the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency. A drill designed to assure preparation and capability devolved into doubts about the same. Note that results of the Agency’s internal investigation are still pending, and will likely be amended, appended or adjusted ad infinitum due to this very public failure. What caused such an error?

Let’s look at an early account:

The state worker in Hawaii who sent a false wireless alert warning of an inbound ballistic missile on Jan. 13 issued the message intentionally, thinking the state faced an actual threat, the Federal Communications Commission said on Tuesday.

The mistake, which touched off widespread confusion and panic in Hawaii, occurred when an emergency management services worker on the day shift misinterpreted testing instructions from a midnight shift supervisor, the commission said. Believing the instructions were for a real emergency, the day-shift worker sent the live alert to the cellphones of all Hawaii residents and visitors to the state.”

In another account, “In a written statement, the employee, who was not identified, said he believed there was a real emergency on Jan. 13 after hearing a recording that stated “THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” But the employee did not hear the first half of the message that stated “EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE,” the FCC said in its preliminary report Tuesday. Though the recording also ended with the “EXERCISE” message, the officer did not hear it.”

The officer did not hear the most critical part of the message – the EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE part. Other people did, but there appears to have been ‘a misunderstanding’. And that misunderstanding can be caused by our lizard brain. It’s how we don’t hear words, don’t connect sentences, don’t think critically about what we have just heard or seen. Stress and threat cause this. Remember that the alert warning of a nuclear attack (Stress!) was sent out as part of a ‘no notice drill’ (More stress!).

Stress + More stress = Lizard Brain!

What can be done to prevent this type of tunnel vision? There are many possible solutions, and many recommendations will be posited from investigations, lessons learned and policy changes.

But here’s a short, simple discipline any of us can use right now:

  • Read or listen to the entire message
  • Ask yourself what it means
  • Write or recite the original message out in your own words. Be sure you keep the same first word and last word (those pesky ‘Exercise’ or ‘Drill’ words, or thosae ominous ‘NOT an exercise’ or ‘NOT a drill’ words)
  • Ask yourself who will want to know the content of the message
  • Ask if the original wording will be clear to those people. (This step may have rectified the conflicting phrases ‘This is not a drill’ and ‘Exercise, Exercise,Exercise’)
  • Reread the original message
  • Accept/deliver/send it.

This approximately two-minute discipline forces us to engage in critical thinking, hopefully enough to break away from any tunnel vision so we can actually process the data correctly.

This applies to all received information. In this case an Exercise Text was misused, but it could have been an injury notification, an evacuation notice, an incident update. Test your understanding, comprehension and recognition of all information to be sure your lizard brain is safe in its cage.

Remember too that by definition, the more critical or impactful the information, the more likely our lizard brains will kick in, and the more important a process of re-engaging our minds becomes.

Interested in more information?  Contact me!

The Compassion Challenge

Why don’t people care any more?

It’s a decades-old puzzle: Human beings are noted for incredible acts of heroism, kindness and generosity, yet we’re also known for selfish, self-centered actions and the capability to seemingly ignore evil as it occurs around us. Sociologists debate the answer, ethicists explain the issue and we just accept it and move on, certain in our hearts that we would never do such a thing. Each of us are, of course, individually better than humanity as a mass. We each consider ourselves ‘above average’ in our compassion, certainly better than ‘them’.

What does this have to do with communication? Your mission is to garner understanding and acceptance, both which require stakeholder engagement. Engagement is the secret sauce that makes us compassionate. Compassion is a by-product of engagement; once we engage with another person, we will help them, protect them, or rescue them.

This noble, real human dynamic is at risk from a new and subtle foe; self-publishing. When we tweet, post or Instagram we are practicing self-publication. At that point we see ourselves as ‘the news’, as the media. And with this self-assumed position, we become non-compassionate. Not less compassionate, as we all consider ourselves to be caring people, but non-compassionate. We choose not to respond to what we are reporting. We do this because we have been taught ‘media’ is above the fray of care and compassion, dispassionately reporting the facts without becoming involved in the story. We innately believe and accept that we will break our ‘journalistic integrity’ if we allow a story to impact us.

There is a reporting discipline in journalism that is substantially enforced within professional media: Don’t become involved in the story you’re telling! There is an objectivity gained from non-involvement that preserves the integrity of the media. Hence media outlets give us news clips of evacuated residents searching for water after a hurricane, but we don’t see news crews dispensing their personal water supply. We view people running from snipers but don’t expect members of the media to run out to shelter them. In fact, journalists who do ‘get involved’ in their story often have their professionalism questioned. Any individual who turns on their cell phone camera intrinsically shares in this mindset: There is a fundamental difference between recording and responding.

As a communicator, you are probably already considering the impact of this new reality. When everyone is the media, nobody is the stakeholder:

  • When everyone is reporting instead of viewing, who are you communicating to?
  • When people are talking instead of listening, what can you say?

The ramifications of this in effective communication are large. How do we get people to listen to our story, understand our actions and support our efforts, if they aren’t listening? As communicators, we need to find ways to capture citizen journalists and turn them back into citizens. An issue becomes an issue because it impacts people, so we will always need to engage with our impacted stakeholders. We need to devise messages that pull them away from their platforms back into our community.

Some suggestions to bridge this compassion gap:

  • Invite ‘citizen journalists’ to your party: Initiate opportunities for people to send you videos, photos, reports or suggestions. Share news releases with all who request them. Include them in media briefings, or offer an equivalent town hall meeting.
  • Welcome them in: Like a good host, thank them for coming, praise them for what they brought, and feature their gifts as important and appropriate.
  • Engage them in the discussion: Get them talking with you, invite them to join your ongoing conversation about the response.
  • Help them report: Offer them new information, images or people to talk with.
  • Ask them what they think: Pull them into the conversation that leads to understanding. Use surveys, acknowledge key questions, meet in small groups.
  • Be real: Speak truth. Personalize events’ impacts and actions’ benefits. Don’t be afraid to express dismay at what has happened. Offer condolences for losses.
  • Say you’re sorry! Expressing sorrow is not the same as accepting responsibility. We expect too much of ‘I’m sorry’ when we’re a perpetrator, but too little of ‘I’m sorry’ when we’re the participant.
  • Invite them back: Develop long-term interaction for future conversations and reporting. Pull them in to the communication cycle. Sow to their interest in the event and reap their investment in the response.

At the end of the day…

Capture, captivate and convert your ‘citizen journalists’ by being as personable, engaged and involved as you want them to be. Geography says they’re impacted citizens before they are professional journalists. They are more impacted than they say or post. Give them the respect and ownership they need to accept, hear and understand your message.

If engagement is the secret sauce of compassion and caring, aim at engagement and assume caring will follow.

Every incident brings upheaval, fear, inconvenience and often actual harm. No response effort can effectively meet every need of impacted stakeholders. We can hand out dollars all day, but the cost of doubt, fear, anger or outrage is higher than we can pay. The Social License to Operate highway may be paved with dollars, but it is open to traffic when the affected community embraces your activities. All the money in the world won’t buy respect or trust. Only engagement will. Take the effort to engage your ‘citizen journalists’ so they can help tell your story.

Interested in more information?  Contact me!

Related article:  A Brave New World – Lessons for Communications

The Danger of Being Unprepared

What happens if you’re not prepared when a crisis strikes? What will happen if you simply haven’t got around to crafting a crisis communication strategy, plan or process? What could go wrong? First of all, remember that 99% of the time, no preparation is enough preparation. This is not an excuse to defer the important work you have to do. It is, however, the main reason you never get around to it. There is no daily fee charged for delaying.

But don’t forget the other 1% of the time: When you need to communicate RIGHT NOW, but you can’t because you haven’t prepared. Here’s a list of what will go wrong should you be caught unprepared when you really, really should have been prepared.

No communication strategy

Most likely, your organization’s leadership daily chooses to delegate the responsibility for stakeholder communication to others. This includes marketing, public relations, government relations and employee communications. These tasks are daily delegated to ‘experts’ to carry out. There may be corporate-level emphasis on some specific functions, likely marketing more than others. CEO’s seldom reach their rank because they are good at public relations; they get there because they are good at management, growth strategies, finance or investor relations. Or they had the idea that got the company started. Or they inherited their position.

One thing for certain, it is the rare and special CEO who lies awake at night thinking about crisis communication. They delegate it and they expect it to be done. Then they ignore it. When was the last time you were called into a meeting to help your executive leadership understand the public impact of a possible decision, and to ask your advice on how to deal with it? If you’ve had this happen to you at all, you and your organization are fortunate.

Now imagine that something very bad has happened. Operators are under stress, costs are suddenly going through the roof, regulators are concerned, customers are cancelling orders, shareholders are asking questions, and reporters are calling…. It is suddenly not a good day. Everyone asks; ‘Where’s our public affairs person?’ Someone remembers your name. You are called in and told; “Make it better!”

Congratulations, your newly coined strategy is ‘make it better’. But you don’t have direction, buy-in, support or attention. As quickly as it turned to you, leadership’s focus has now switched away from you as they focus their efforts on operational areas that have always held their attention, not stakeholder communication.

Your responsibilities? Great. Your authority and resources? Small. You’re in the worst possible place to be. You’ve been given responsibility to immediately provide immensely important stakeholder communication. The leadership of your organization has charged you to save their proverbial bacon and your career is on the line. A crisis communication strategy not only identifies risks and actions, it also identifies authority, resources and recourse. Without this you will be spinning your wheels alone.

You might attempt to outline a basic plan: Listing of risks/events, affected stakeholders, likely concerns, key actions and messages, dissemination plan and resource list. You might even get it done. But you’ll likely not get it approved, let alone implemented. It won’t be approved because everyone is too busy and distracted. You won’t get it implemented because nobody will be willing to make such a decision under stress/threat/risk.

Your only recourse will be to implement it anyway, and risk the wrath of reluctant responders for what you did. But even if you manage to implement a last-minute strategy, you’ll likely find that you can’t get staff dedicated to support you and you can’t get people to respond to any of your requests. Everyone in your organization has gone into crisis mode. Email in-baskets are instantly overflowing. Everybody now has two jobs to do: their normal one and their crisis one. Without an accepted, approved and implemented crisis communication strategy and plan, you are not on their list.

The cost of this failure? Your organization is being labeled more non-responsive with every moment that goes by without information. Affected stakeholders are deciding whom they will trust to give them information, and your organization isn’t on their list. They’re starting to listen to people telling them what to do, and your voice isn’t being heard. They’re starting to worry about their safety, jobs, homes and future, and you’re not helping them. Good will is going away, and it is going away for good. Minutes wasted in failing to communicate early in a response become hours expended later to regain a voice and stakeholders’ trust.

No priority for response communications

In addition to failure to plan and subsequent performance issues, you will likely face a persistent and pernicious problem: perpetual lockout from important deliberations, decisions and actions.

Remember that other people your organization are not communicators, so they are not considering communication risks or issues when they make decisions. Most people regularly feel that their specific function in an organization is one of the most important functions. A crisis response often breaks this, but it does so by edict: everyone is told what is the most important objective, and everyone focuses on the elements and tangents of that named objective.

Without development, review, acceptance and implementation of crisis communication strategy, stakeholder communications default to lower and lower priority, attention and resourcing. Not only will you will not be at the table, over time you will be moved further and further away from the table. You will struggle for attention and resources from people who spend less and less time considering your needs.

Then, when stakeholder communication isn’t on the thought horizon, someone under stress will make a bad decision about a public-facing action. Response needs will suddenly be apparent and response plans will be activated. But without a priority on crisis communication, response efforts will turn inward. Decisions will be made in a vacuum, and not communicated with a worried public. Reporters will be shunned, TV crews will be turned away for ‘security reasons’. Community meetings will be cancelled due to ‘schedule conflicts’. Media will be told there’s no time for questions. Activists will be arrested, badly. People will be told that solutions are too technical to explain, and to ‘just trust us’.

Credibility and trust fly away, at the hands of people who should care the most; they just don’t know they should. It isn’t a priority.

Communicators not mobilized in time

Since response communications aren’t seen as a priority, response communicators often aren’t on the callout lists. Instead of being notified immediately when an incident occurs, you may be notified late, or not at all. It may take someone at a higher level of the organization who has worked with communicators before to realize you need to be brought into the response.

Unless you’ve been able to enforce a strong communication process into your organization’s response plans, producing accurate and timely communication products is going to be challenging enough without any additional delays in notification.

If you haven’t been able to enforce a strong communication process and priority into your organization’s response plans, you will always be in this position, having less time to produce stakeholder communication product. The delay will only exacerbate what will already be a very difficult process. Consider delayed notifications as an additional cost for ineffective planning and implementation.

No response communication staff structure

If you haven’t thought out what you will need to do during a response, particularly during the first few hours of a response, you won’t know who, or how many, staff resources you need. If you don’t know whom you need, you won’t have their contact info handy to mobilize them. If you could effectively mobilize them, you won’t be able to make clear, concise task assignments based on qualification.

The result? A lack of communication resources; you will be overwhelmed with tasks, time demands and deadlines.

Only careful planning can prevent this dilemma. It’s not enough to know what communication products are going to be needed; you have to know who will produce them; those individuals will need pre-approved templates to use and they will need to know any necessary approval flow and distribution plans. They need to be available, up-to-speed and capable of actually helping you.

If you haven’t identified needs and staff resources, quantified staff member capabilities and assigned specific roles, you won’t have any staff to help you. If you do mange to mobilize staff, they’ll likely spend their time waiting for you to tell them what to do, or you will have staff taking the wrong actions and doubling your workload.

No statement template preparation

It is very difficult to be creative under stress, a constant in response communication. You may think you are good at ‘winging it’ under pressure, but you won’t be.

In the early response, when the greatest demand for information is matched with the least amount available, we all need prepared statements that will frame the few facts we can confirm with statements of commitment and caring. If you’re having to write as you go, two things will happen: You’ll be too late because you’re waiting for ‘a bit more’ information, or you will forget to frame the facts in a context that will give you an opportunity to continue the conversation later.

Templates aren’t generated to shield your organization from scrutiny; they’re designed to welcome it by focusing on your strengths. They aren’t written to hide bad news in a bunch of ‘feel good’ commentary; they’re written to frame truth in context with the response efforts. Well-written templates allow you to maximize use of verified facts while welcoming stakeholders wanting more. Finally, prepared templates ensure that you are able to actually communicate at all, since they are already approved for your use. Which leads us to…

No approvals

Remember that stress reigns throughout a response. Placid coworkers become panicked, mellow supervisors become manic. Communicators become tongue-tied and attorneys become obdurate. The challenge of gaining content approval during normal times is multiplied in a crisis.

And that is if you can even find someone to approve content. Often, all key decision makers are in transit – either to the office or to a plane, on a plane or in a vehicle. Cell phones don’t work in congested command spaces, laptops are left at home, and IT is scrambling to match bandwidth to appliances while leadership waits to receive anything from anyone. Email inboxes explode, text messages multiply all by themselves, phones aren’t heard, or aren’t answered. And your approvers disappear into the ‘fog of war’.

Your approval trail leads nowhere. About the time you do find someone, the burgeoning command structure moves them up or down the command chain. So you wait, already late and watching seconds, minutes, or hours go by. The phones ring with media questions. Your organization’s social media accounts fill up with comments and a pervasive theme emerges: Your organization is choosing not to communicate. Every minute without released information is verification of this; suspicion becomes conviction, and conviction leads to condemnation. Without recourse and without a voice, you watch your task shift from communicating facts to defending inaction. And there is nothing harder to defend.

Unauthorized messaging

At this point it is almost inevitable that someone will say something to break the cycle. A responder may tell a friend, who tells a friend, who calls the media. A spouse may write a post on Facebook. Or an instant expert, retired fireman, or ex-employee will become available for interviews. And the information available veers away from accurate facts, to suspicions, impressions, suppositions, recollections – anything but truth.

This dynamic is inevitable in the best of responses, but it can be moderated by quick and continuous release of factual information and context from response officials who have been authorized to speak for the response. If you fail to provide information when your stakeholders need it, others fill the vacuum. They often have neither the capability nor the concern for accuracy Wrong information is presented in a sensationalist, biased manner. Opinions and agendas parade as facts. Graphic, sensationalist imagery is used without regard to privacy or propriety. The end result at best is a public lumbering off after misinformation. At worst, desperately needed trust is squandered, accurate information is overridden by false information, and false information leads to public harm, reputation damage and loss of trust in response efforts.

No distribution capability

Assume that you managed to scribble up a brief update statement, by some miracle an approver dropped by on their way to the restroom, and your statement was actually approved for distribution!

Now what? You may not have access to your organization’s distribution tools, so you only have your personal or work email accounts. You can’t send the release to your list serve or a commercial distribution vendor; that’s another level of review, approval and action by people other than yourself. They likely aren’t available, either because they’re on their way to the response or off-shift; crises never happen during regular work hours. And you don’t have a contact list of key stakeholders ready to use anyway.

Your best option may be to go outside to the gathered media to share the information you have, or to post it on your Twitter account. In either case you’ve generated an ‘exclusive’, not on the basis of relative value of each outlet, but on their availability. And you’ve missed the most important people to share the information with. Without preparation, your critical audiences will likely be neglected, and they may become… critical.

The solution?

There’s only one: Prepare now. Count this blessed 99% time as an opportunity to get ready for the brutal 1%.

Interested in more information?  Contact me!